No One Can Get an Education for of Necessity Education is a Continuing Process 

Enjoy reading and share 25 famous quotes about Continuing Education with everyone.

Continuing Education Quotes By Ellen Condliffe Lagemann

The collective benefits of higher education will not be asserted unless the public can be engaged in defining them. A student's future returns on his or her personal investment of time and money will seem more critical than the public benefits to be derived from ensuring that all students become people of character as well as of competence. An institution's prowess in potentially lucrative lines of scientific research will seem more essential to its mission than its participation in the development of an aesthetically engaged and broadly humane society. Unless there is public discussion that can help support the balancing of public and private priorities, colleges and universities will dance only to the private ambitions that ensure continuing high levels of enrollment and high ratings in the various surveys of satisfaction that give institutions a boost in national rankings. — Ellen Condliffe Lagemann

Continuing Education Quotes By Jimmy Dodd

Pastors and ministry leaders need continuing education because the basics of their occupational challenges were not taught in their educational institutions. — Jimmy Dodd

Continuing Education Quotes By Kofi Annan

The United Nations has long recognised that the imagination, ideals and energies of young men and women are vital for the continuing development of the societies in which they live. And since its inception in 1948, AIESEC has contributed to this development by serving as an agent of positive change trough education and cultural exchange. — Kofi Annan

Continuing Education Quotes By Argus Hamilton

CIA Director George Tenet briefed a Senate panel ... about the current situation in Iraq. He described how cash was being stolen and women were being assaulted with impunity. Senators love to attend these continuing education seminars. — Argus Hamilton

Continuing Education Quotes By Nido R. Qubein

Make education a continuing, never-ending process. — Nido R. Qubein

Continuing Education Quotes By Isaac Asimov

Self-education is a continuing source of pleasure to me, for the more I know, the fuller my life is and the better I appreciate my own existence — Isaac Asimov

Continuing Education Quotes By Robert M. Hutchins

Education is a kind of continuing dialogue, and a dialogue assumes different points of view. — Robert M. Hutchins

Continuing Education Quotes By Peter Drucker

I think the growth industry of the future in this country and the world will soon be the continuing education of adults ... I think the educated person of the future is somebody who realizes the need to continue to learn. That is the new definition and it is going to change the world we live in and work in. — Peter Drucker

Continuing Education Quotes By Lyndon B. Johnson

For the college years we will provide scholarships to high school students of the greatest promise and greatest need and guarantee low-interest loans to students continuing their college studies. — Lyndon B. Johnson

Continuing Education Quotes By Ernest L. Boyer

To push for excellence today without continuing to push for access for less privileged students is to undermine the crucial but incomplete gains that have been made. Equity and excellence cannot be divided. — Ernest L. Boyer

Continuing Education Quotes By Dean Koontz

So many things in my continuing education are learned by going where I have to go and doing what I have to do. Therefore, my only answer is: I guess I'll find out. — Dean Koontz

Continuing Education Quotes By Frank Shorter

It is just called Continuing Legal Education. You can go to lectures, you can even listen to tapes on airplanes - they want you to stay current. So you do have to stay current to maintain your license even if you are not practicing. — Frank Shorter

Continuing Education Quotes By Katie Canty

In all your getting, get understand. Proverbs paraphrased — Katie Canty

Continuing Education Quotes By Grace Abbott

The first and continuing argument for the curtailment of working hours and the raising of the minimum age was that education was necessary in a democracy and working children could not attend school. — Grace Abbott

Continuing Education Quotes By Phillip Gary Smith

Gratifying when the basics reflect a fresh light, leading to real continuing ed. — Phillip Gary Smith

Continuing Education Quotes By Dave Van Ronk

They basically said that if I didn't show up for school they'd mark me present, they wouldn't send the truant officer after me. At 16 I enrolled in something called continuing education . Once a month I'd go out to Jamaica, but I didn't take it seriously. — Dave Van Ronk

Continuing Education Quotes By Hillary Clinton

A political life, I've often said, is a continuing education in human nature, including one's own. My involvement on the ground floor of two presidential campaigns and my duties as First Lady took me to every state in our union and to seventy-eight nations. In each place, I met someone or saw something that caused me to open my mind and my heart and deepen my understanding of the universal concerns that most of humanity shares. — Hillary Clinton

Continuing Education Quotes By Joseph Heywood

The freckle-faced corporal from Iowa grinned. "Geez, Major, whatever you gave that German broad last night sure got her talking. Was it some new Russian drug? Something from HQ?"

"That's my affair." Major Rosemary Wilson ignored the grinning boy and lit a cigarette, blowing out smoke as she gazed through the one way mirror. The German girl, Waller, looked pale and lost under the interrogation lights, but she was still exceptionally pretty. No doubt last night had been her first time with a woman. Still, Greta had been an enthusiastic learner, responsive and eager to please. The Major had every intention of continuing the girl's education -- once Werewolf and his Nazi pack were back behind bars. — Joseph Heywood

Continuing Education Quotes By Louis L'Amour

No one can "get" an education, for of necessity education is a continuing process. — Louis L'Amour

Continuing Education Quotes By Peter Orszag

There've been times where I wondered whether it was worth continuing in my own education. — Peter Orszag

Continuing Education Quotes By Muhtar Kent

I've always believed in the importance of education and continuing to learn throughout every stage of life. — Muhtar Kent

Continuing Education Quotes By Leonard Horowitz

Since the 1920s, virtually all continuing medical and public health education is funded by pharmaceutical companies. In fact, today, the FDA can't even tell health scientists the truth about vaccine contaminants and their likely effects. The agency is bound and gagged by proprietary laws and non-disclosure agreements forced upon them by the pharmaceutical industry. Let us not forget that the pharmaceutical industry, as a special interest group, is the number one contributor to politicians on Capital Hill. — Leonard Horowitz

Continuing Education Quotes By Stephen Mitchell

Education is no longer thought of as a preparation for adult life, but as a continuing process of growth and development from birth until death. — Stephen Mitchell

Continuing Education Quotes By Lyndon B. Johnson

The job, of course, will never be finished. For a nation, as for an individual, education is a perpetually unfinished journey, a continuing process of discovery. — Lyndon B. Johnson

Continuing Education Quotes By John Goodlad

It is my expectation that Teacher Education for Democracy and Social Justice will become a rich resource for continuing this multi-layered conversation-from democratic belief to democratic action-that is the hallmark of educational renewal. — John Goodlad


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